rosanne DOLAN – Painter

My delight is in pieces of things and I liberally crop figures, objects and scenes, often reinventing them as I develop a composition working from life, memory and/or imagination. I use colour boldly for impact and playfulness and carefully plan illusionary or applied textures as a means to draw attention to the canvas surface. It is important to me that my work be seen in its raw elements of paint, canvas, and with mixed media applications when I use them.

“Art exposes possibility.  It creates a narrative and exercises mystery.  We grasp at art backwards and forward, but settle or unsettle with it now.”  Rosanne Dolan (2022)


I have drawn and painted since I was a child, so it naturally followed that I should study art and work in one of its many related fields; so, I became a high school art teacher. I studied in Ontario at the University of Windsor and York University, achieving an Honours BA with a major in Fine Arts from York University. For a number of years, I continued art studies at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto as a part-time student. Eventually, I left teaching to explore and further develop my own work in my main discipline of acrylic painting and mixed media.

I live on a 50-acre hobby farm outside of Peterborough Ontario, a piece of paradise, which I joyfully treasure.


CV - rosanne DOLAN

Haliburton School of the Arts (2015 – 2018)
Ontario College of Art ( 1988 – 94)
Honours Bachelor of Arts, Fine Arts major – York University (1984)
Bachelor of Education – University of Windsor (1978)
Bachelor of Arts, English major – University of Windsor (1977)

Teacher – Dufferin-Peel CDSB, York Region CDSB, Peel DSB (1978 – 2007
Visual Arts secondary school teacher (1987 – 2007)
Dean of Arts (1989 – 99) York Region CDSB

Art Exhibits to 2021
Cobourg BIA Storefronts “Paddle to the C”, Cobourg, ON (2021) – group show
Art Gallery of Northumberland, Cobourg, ON (2021) – juried group exhibition
Port Hope Arts Festival, Port Hope, ON (2021) – group exhibition
Caper’s Restaurant, Campbellford, ON (2017, 2018, 2019, 2021) – group exhibition
Port Hope Arts Festival, Port Hope, ON (2019, 2020) –  juried group exhibition
Northumberland Art Gallery, Port Hope, ON (2019) – group exhibition
Parrott Gallery, Belleville, ON (2018, 2019) – juried group exhibition
Trent Hills Library, Warkworth, ON (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021/22) – group exhibition
Spirit of the Hills Arts Festival, Cobourg, ON (2017, 2019) – group exhibition
Caper’s Restaurant, Campbellford, ON (2017) – solo exhibition
The Art Emporium, Port Hope, ON (2017) – group exhibition, (2018) juried group exhibition
Colborne Art Gallery, Colborne, ON (2017) – juried group exhibition
Trent Hills Library, Campbellford Branch, Campbellford, ON (2017) – solo exhibition
Maple Syrup Festival, Warkworth, ON (2016, 2017) –juried group exhibition
Northumberland Hospital, Cobourg, ON (2016, 2017, 2019) – group exhibition
Jazz Festival, Port Hope, ON (2016) – group exhibition
Waterfront Festival, Cobourg, ON (2016, 2018) – group exhibition
Norwood Pentecostal Church, Norwood, ON (2014) – duo-artist exhibition
The Distil Gallery, The Distillery District, Toronto, ON (2007) – juried group exhibition
York Region CDSB Employees’ Art Show, Stouffville, ON  (1992) – group exhibition
Mississauga City Hall, Mississauga, ON (1987) – juried group exhibition

Spirit of The Hills (Northumberland Hills Arts Association)
CAG member since 2019

 art of

rosanne DOLAN

acrylic paint and collage, framed, 24″x18″, $600

acrylic paint and mixed media on canvas, framed, 24”x 36”, $945

acrylic paint and mixed media on gallery canvas, 20”x16”, $400

acrylic paint on canvas, framed, 24”x30”, $790.

acrylic paint and mixed media on gallery canvas, 20”x16”, $400

acrylic paint and mixed media on canvas, framed, 18”x24”, $600