Become a Member


Participate as a Guest Artist

A Call to all ARTISTS:

Would you like join our merry band of enthusiastic team members,  or apply to show your art as a guest artist?  Read on for more information, drop in to the gallery to have a chat and view the venue.  

Become a Member

We invite applications from established and emerging visual artists in a variety of media. Opportunities exist for new members to exhibit work in group shows eight times each year and to secure solo exhibits on a rotating basis. We welcome applications from makers of fine craft, fibre & mixed media artists, painters, sculptors, print makers and other visual artists willing and able to work cooperatively and demonstrate organizational skills within our lively Gallery.

We will me more than happy to send you the membership guidelines, responsibilities and an application form.

We also invite you to reach out to any of our Gallery members or  drop into the Gallery to speak with a sitting member and learn more about our plans for 2023!

The Colborne Art Gallery


While all artists in our catchment area are welcomed to apply our immediate priority is engaging 3D (textiles, sculpting, ceramics) artists.

Please contact for more information




We have revised the Membership Application for 2023.

CAG Membership Application


Guest Artist application guidelines  are currently under review for 2023.
Please send a message to CAG Guest Artist Inquiry with your email address to be informed when this is available.
