
The Visual Poetry Group consists of 10 artists who came together in 2003 in Peterborough for a course of study in abstract painting with artist Alice Teichert. The vision in their work is to develop a personal language through the use of colour – “what words are to poetry, so colour is to painting”.  Although group members do not often paint together, they use monthly meetings for the exchange of ideas and critiques of recent work. Seeing through ten sets of eyes brings fresh perspectives, energy and motivation to each painter. Laughter and tenacity as well as a shared sense of artistic purpose bind the members together and it’s a formula that seems to work for all involved.

The artists are Di Collins, Eugenie Fernandes, Jeannie Guillet, Kellie McDonell, Joan McIlwain, Roberta Rowland-Patterson, Anne Plaxton, Bea Quarrie, Suzanne Rubinoff and Ellee Sturgeon.

Imagine opens March 10, 2012 with an opening reception from 2-4 pm, and runs until April 15, 2012.

Please join these artists at their opening and also enjoy a selection of new works by the members of The Colborne Art Gallery.